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Author: Banafshe Law Firm PC

What You Need to Know About Sports-Related Brain Injuries

Sports-related brain injuries are some of the most widespread and unreported injuries affecting children and adults today. It’s estimated that 214 million children and adults play some type of sport in the U.S., increasing the chances for significant injury on a widespread level among the population. While playing sports certainly does have a strong impact on the social and emotional health and well-being of those who engage, it is certainly worth noting that the risk of injury is also substantial.  In recent years, celebrity football players have drawn awareness to the incidence of traumatic brain injury in athletes, as they have increasingly faced significant trauma due to their injuries. Sports-related traumatic brain injuries are believed to account for up to 20 percent of all brain injuries occurring in the U.S. today. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that nearly three million people receive treatment for traumatic brain injuries…

Proving a California Wrongful Death Claim

While nothing can replace a loved one, a wrongful death suit is one way to get closure after the tragic and sudden loss of a family member at the hands of someone else’s carelessness. California law allows surviving family members to get compensation for any emotional and economic losses suffered after an accident that led to their loved one’s untimely death. However, recovering under a wrongful death suit can be a highly emotional and contentious process, so it’s recommended that you speak with a Los Angeles wrongful death attorney who can navigate the process for you. It’s important to bear in mind that state law requires strict procedures to be followed to recover for your losses, and that these steps can stir up a lot of emotional strife. To prove that a death was wrongful and caused by someone else’s error, the court will require you to establish proof of…

Why Fireworks Are Leading to More Catastrophic Injuries in 2020

An unprecedented quarantine due to COVID-19 has millions of Americans feeling restless and stir crazy, desperate to return to some semblance of normal life. Holidays like Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day have been met with fanfare and an increased propensity to live on the edge, and Los Angeles has experienced a surge in fireworks usage as a result. While these holidays do tend to be popular with amateur pyrotechnics, this year feels different – in fact, residents are reporting loud and lengthy episodes of fireworks blasting late into the night around these summer holidays. With the vast majority of parades and organized fireworks events being canceled in an effort to implement crowd control and slow the spread of the coronavirus, it’s no wonder that people are experimenting at home – and getting seriously injured in the process.  A team of health professionals at the Los Angeles County…

Recover Compensation for Bodily Injuries in an Accident

Los Angeles Accident Attorney Discusses Compensation for Bodily Injuries For most people, suffering an injury is an unwelcome interruption to their lives. Most injuries require some type of medical treatment. Even a simple trip to an emergency room can leave you with thousands of dollars worth of crippling debt. If you suffer a more severe injury, the medical bills only get worse. If your injury prevents you from being able to work, it may seem impossible for you to ever cover the cost of your medical expenses. If you were injured as the result of someone else’s negligence, you should not have to bear the burden of covering the expenses of your injury. Your personal injury attorney can help you receive the compensation to which you are entitled for this unwelcome interruption to your life and daily routine. Types of Injuries We Represent The attorneys at Banafshe Law Firm has…

Breaking Down Big Rig Accidents in California

Anyone who has driven down a highway has likely seen an 18-wheeler. big rig trucks are massive in size and can be intimidating to even the most experienced driver. All automobiles can be dangerous when not operated properly, but this is even more true with 18-wheelers. An experienced Los Angeles truck accident lawyer is aware that an accident involving an 18-wheeler or big rig is more likely to have catastrophic consequences than an accident involving any other type of vehicle on the road. The sheer size of big rigs makes them difficult to navigate, and it is almost impossible for drivers to quickly and safely slam on the brakes in an emergency situation. Truck drivers also have more blind spots, so it is critical that they operate their vehicles in a safe manner at all times. Obligations of the Big Rig Driver in California Like all drivers on the road,…

Our Personal Injury Lawyers Explain the 5 Types of Laceration Injuries

Were you injured in an accident and suffered lacerations? For legal advice, call a personal injury attorney at the Banafshe Law Firm, P.C. What Is a Laceration? A laceration occurs when an injury causes an uneven break in the skin. It is similar to a cut, but the edges around the wound appear torn and jagged. What Causes Lacerations? Lacerations are caused by objects that hit the skin and force a wound to open. Some lacerations can be more severe than others, depending on a number of characteristics of the object and how it hit the skin (angle, force, and depth of object). These more severe lacerations can reach as far as the deep tissue layer and cause serious bleeding. Lacerations Are Grouped Into the Following Five General Categories:  Cut laceration: This is the most common type of laceration. A cut occurs when any type of blade (scissors, knife, axe,…

Let a Personal Injury Lawyer Help with Your Soft Tissue Injury Claim

Recovering Compensation for Soft Tissue Injuries in California  Soft tissue injuries are often the result of auto accidents, slip and falls, sports injuries, work injuries, or other situations where a personal injury attorney can give you the advice you need to seek compensation for the injury. It is difficult to obtain fair compensation for a soft tissue injury without an attorney. Insurance companies are generally willing to pay for medical injuries that are clearly evidenced through medical tests. Because soft tissue injuries don’t usually show up using imaging techniques like X-ray, insurers are more likely to think that you are malingering (faking your injury or exaggerating its symptoms for financial gain.) Soft tissue injuries do sometimes show up in MRIs, but these are expensive and not ordered every time someone suffers a soft tissue injury. With little medical evidence and few outward signs of injury, the insurer might deny your…

Personal Injury Claim FAQs

If you’ve been involved in an accident, you likely have a long list of questions regarding the best way to proceed. Personal injury claims can be complex and require the counsel and guidance of an experienced personal injury lawyer. From understanding your rights under your insurance policy, to determining whether you’re eligible to recover damages for your losses, read on to get some answers to the most common questions surrounding personal injury claims. What are Some Common Types of Personal Injury Claims? Any type of accident or injury can become a personal injury claim if the accident or injury occurred due to someone else’s negligence. If you’ve been involved in a car, truck, or motorcycle accident; a slip-and-fall accident, a workplace accident, or experienced an injury due to a product, care provider, or employer, then it’s likely you have a personal injury claim. Who Can Qualify to File a Personal…

Understanding Your Rights After a Product-Related Injury

We use commercially-made products every day, but what happens when those products contain a defect that causes injury? Is it possible to recover damages for medical expenses, lost wages, or even pain and suffering after you’ve been injured by a product defect? In California, product liability lawsuits can be complex – particularly when they involve major corporations. Working with a personal injury lawyer can ensure you are able to recover for your losses under a product liability claim. Understanding Personal Injury and Product Defect Claims California law explicitly states that designers, manufacturers, and sellers of products are to be held strictly liable when the product is defective and causes an injury. Whether or not there was negligence involved on their part is irrelevant. That makes product defect claims substantially different from personal injury claims, which require a plaintiff to prove that the defendant’s negligence caused their injury. When a product…

Who is Liable When an Autonomous Vehicle Crashes?

The advent of autonomous vehicle technology has created plenty of buzz all over the world, but a variety of questions remain who is to blame when an autonomous vehicle causes an accident. Mass adoption of the technology proclaims that accidents will decrease significantly and therefore significantly reduce insurance premiums. However, autonomous vehicle technology remains far from perfect, and accidents do still occur. A Los Angeles car accident lawyer can help you understand who might be at fault if you’ve been involved in an accident with a self-driving car.  Understanding the Complexity Current automobile accident laws were not designed with self-driving vehicles in mind. In most cases, when a car accident occurs, fault can easily be assigned to the negligence of one or both parties. With self-driving vehicles, it is presumed that the car’s hardware or software may have glitched, causing an accident. In that case, there may be multiple parties…