Compensation for Bicycle Accident Claims
In California, we are fortunate to be able to ride our bikes 365 days a year. Unfortunately, heavy traffic throughout the city and its suburbs presents a significant risk for cyclists, and collisions involving motor vehicles and bicycles are an all-too-common occurrence. If you have been injured, you may be entitled to substantial compensation, and you should speak with a bicycle crash lawyer promptly.
At Banafshe Law Firm, we regularly represent injured cyclists in bicycle accident claims involving collisions with cars, trucks, vans and SUVs. We can work quickly to gather the evidence needed to prove your legal rights, and we will fight relentlessly to make sure you receive the compensation you deserve. If you have been injured and your bike has been damaged, you owe it to yourself to seek help, and we encourage you to let us use our experience to help you recover.
Bicycle crashes can cause all types of traumatic injuries. As a cyclist, you are at risk of suffering serious injuries if you get hit by a motor vehicle. There is no way around this, and this is why drivers have a clear legal obligation to respect cyclists’ rights on the road.
Some of the most-common injuries cyclists sustain in collisions involving motor vehicles include:
Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are extremely common among cyclists involved in collisions with motor vehicles. While wearing a bicycle helmet can reduce your risk of suffering a serious brain injury, no helmet provides complete protection.
Cyclists who get hit by cars and other vehicles will often suffer severe road rash and burns. These injuries can be extremely painful, they can lead to permanent scarring and disfigurement, and in some cases, they will require surgery.
Even at relatively low speeds, bicycle crashes can leave riders with bone fractures and dislocations. This includes injuries to the wrists and ankles that occur when cyclists attempt to brace themselves, as well as injuries to other parts of the body caused by direct impact with a vehicle or the ground.
Since cyclists typically do not wear any form of face protection, injuries to the face and jaw are particularly common in bicycle crashes. Many riders will also suffer broken and lost teeth. For these types of injuries, the options available in terms of medical treatment, reconstruction and rehabilitation depend heavily on the severity of the injury and how quickly a diagnosis is obtained.
Spinal cord injuries are, sadly, common in bicycle crashes as well. If you have been diagnosed with a spinal cord injury due to being hit by a motor vehicle, you will need to work closely with your doctor and your attorney to make sure you receive adequate compensation.
In addition to these injuries, cyclists can sustain various other types of traumatic injuries as well. Beyond the injuries discussed above, our bike accident lawyer also helps cyclists seek just compensation for:
For many cyclists, recovering compensation for their property damage is a key concern as well. Road bicycles can cost thousands of dollars, and professional-grade shoes, helmets, riding gear, and electronics can quickly push property damage claims from bicycle crashes above $10,000.
In addition to recovering just compensation for your injuries, if you have a bicycle crash claim, you can seek just compensation for your property damage as well. This includes compensation to repair your bicycle if possible—or to replace your bike if necessary. The same applies to any other items of personal property that were damaged in the crash.
Are you entitled to financial compensation for your injuries and property damage? To find out, schedule a free consultation at Banafshe Law Firm today. A bicycle crash lawyer is available 24/7, so call 800-789-8840 or tell us how we can get in touch with you online now.
" Maximized my outcome. Was calm patient responsive and professional. Ryan is the best of the best and I recommend him highly."
Julie Levin
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