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Our School Bus Accident Lawyers are Here for Families

On any given school day, an estimated 471,461 buses provide students transportation to and from school in the United States. Unfortunately, these buses are often involved in accidents and the students they serve are injured, sometimes severely. When this happens, the school bus accident attorneys at Banafshe Law Firm, PC, provide the exceptional representation the victim and their families need so that they can recover the compensation they deserve.

School bus accident involving car crash

Determining Liability in California

One of the first considerations after a school bus accident is determining who is responsible for the collision. The answer to that question determines who is liable for the damages suffered by the victim. Once that determination (which can be tricky to ascertain) is made, your California school bus accident lawyers will pursue the responsible party in order to collect the compensation you are due. Possible responsible parties include:

  • Bus Driver: Although entrusted with the lives of children, some bus drivers still engage in reckless behavior such as texting while driving, speeding, and ignoring traffic signals. Even worse, it is possible the bus driver was under the influence of drugs or alcohol when the accident occurred.
  • Other Driver: It is possible the driver of another vehicle that was involved in the accident was negligent or reckless in their behavior. For example, they may have disregarded the “STOP” sign the bus had extended. 
  • Other Driver’s Employer: If the driver of another vehicle besides the bus caused the accident and they were driving for their employer at the time, it may be possible to hold their employer liable.
  • School District: There are a myriad of reasons why the school district may be held responsible for the accident, including irresponsible hiring practices and failure to have the school buses properly maintained.
  • Maintenance Provider: Perhaps the company hired to change the worn tires on the bus failed to do so and this contributed to the accident. In a situation like this, a maintenance provider may be held liable. 
  • Bus or Parts Manufacturer: The manufacturer is a proper party when the bus or any of the parts used on the bus are defective.
  • Local Government Agency: A local agency may be an appropriate party when improperly designed or maintained roads caused the accident.

Recoverable Damages for the Children and Loved Ones Affected by a Tragic Accident

Like any other car accident in California, it is possible to recover for both financial and non-financial losses in a school bus accident including:

  • Cost of medical treatment/therapies for the lifetime of the victim
  • Medical expenses
  • Pain and suffering
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Property damage
  • Disruption of lifestyle
  • Disfigurement
  • Emotional distress
  • Wrongful death

Speak With an Experienced School Bus Accident Lawyer  

If you or a loved one has been injured in a school bus accident, contact our California school bus accident attorneys at Banafshe Law Firm at 310-273-7300 or on our contact page for a free consultation. We are available 24/7 and se habla espanol. Our attorneys are skilled and experienced litigators who pride themselves on being zealous advocates for their clients. Let us put our years of experience and legal know-how to work for you.