If you have been injured in a single vehicle accident, you may be entitled to compensation from your insurance company or another party. Your legal rights will depend on the specific circumstances involved in your accident, and it will be important for you to discuss your rights with a single vehicle accident attorney as soon as possible.
Many people assume that they can only expect their insurance company to take care of their repair bills after a single vehicle accident. But, this is not necessarily the case. Depending on the coverage you purchased, you may be entitled to coverage for your medical expenses—and potentially other losses as well.
Single vehicle accidents happen for a wide range of reasons. While some of these accidents are undoubtedly the driver’s fault, there is nothing the driver could have done to avoid the collision in many cases. At Banafshe Law Firm, we represent drivers and passengers following accidents involving:
After a single vehicle accident, one potential source of financial compensation is your own auto insurance policy. Your comprehensive coverage should take care of your repair bills or the cost to replace your car. If you have personal injury protection (PIP) or medical payments (MedPay) coverage, you can use this to help with the costs of your medical care. PIP and MedPay are “no-fault” policies, which means that you can collect payment without needing to prove that someone else was at fault in the accident.
But, what if someone else was at fault in the accident? In some cases, single vehicle accidents occur when one driver gets forced off the road by another driver. If you ran off of the road to avoid a more serious accident, the other driver may be liable, or you may be able to pursue a claim under your uninsured/underinsured motorist (UIM) policy—if you have paid for this optional coverage.
In addition to seeking auto insurance coverage, many single vehicle accident victims will have other options as well. For example, if you lost control when you hit a pothole or low shoulder, you could have a claim against the government agency that is responsible for designing and maintaining the road. There are other options as well; and, to make sure you seek the maximum compensation available, you should consult with an attorney promptly.
Were you injured in a single vehicle accident? If so, contact us today to find out how much you may be entitled to recover. For a free, no-obligation consultation with a single vehicle accident attorney at Banafshe Law Firm, call 800-789-8840 or get in touch online now.
" Maximized my outcome. Was calm patient responsive and professional. Ryan is the best of the best and I recommend him highly."
Julie Levin
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