Garbage Truck Accidents
Garbage trucks perform an essential function, and we need them to help keep our neighborhoods and city streets clean. Unfortunately, they can also be dangerous, particularly when they are not properly maintained—or when an unqualified driver is behind the wheel. Trash trucks are operated by private companies and the Bureau of Sanitation. While claims against private companies and the Bureau of Sanitation are subject to different rules and requirements, all garbage truck accident claims allow drivers, passengers and families to recover just compensation for their accident-related losses. If you have a claim, our truck accident lawyers can help you recover, and we encourage you to contact us 24/7 for a free consultation about your legal rights.
Many different factors can cause and contribute to accidents involving garbage trucks. In addition to issues with garbage trucks themselves, this includes negligence on the part of garbage truck drivers, negligence on the part of drivers’ employers, and numerous other factors. Some examples of the most common causes of garbage truck accidents include:
In addition to the issues listed above, there are also many other grounds for seeking to recover your losses after a garbage truck accident. As a result, regardless of the circumstances involved, if you or a member of your family has been involved in an accident involving a garbage truck, it is important that you speak with a lawyer about your legal rights. At Banafshe Law Firm, P.C., we handle claims on behalf of individuals and families involving:
For more information about how we help individuals and families recover their losses after garbage truck accidents, please call 800-789-8840 or contact us online. Your initial consultation is free and confidential, and you pay nothing unless we win.
" Excellent and honest attorney."
Mehdi M.
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